Certifications & Approvals
Standard Finish
- Cover Bolts: Teflon
- Nameplates: Mylar®
- Pilot Light Guard & Clamping Ring: Epoxy
Standard Material
- Cover Bolts: Stainless Steel
- Nameplates & Receptacles: Copperfree (4/10 of 1 % max.) Aluminum
- SPBB Push Button: Aluminum Upper Barrel and Phenolic Lower Barrel with Nylon Plastic Button. Glass Reinforced Polypropylene Guard. Silicone Weather Boot. Aluminum Nameplate
- SPLS Pilot Light: Aluminum Guard & Body Assembly; Steel Clamping Ring; and Tempered Glass Jewel
- SSBA Selector Switch: Aluminum Housing, Nylon Knobs and Cams, and Sealed Phenolic Contact Block
- NBN Rectangular Button with Weather Boot: Nylon Plastic Button with Neoprene Weather Boot. Aluminum Nameplate
- NMRB Mushroom Button with Weather Boot: Anodized Aluminum Buttons with Neoprene Weather Boot
- Selector Switch Locking Devices and Push Button Securing Rods: Stainless Steel
- Body & Cover: 30 % Glass-Reinforced Thermoplastic Polyetherimide